Business Central Error: The VAT Setup does not exist. Identification fields and values: Primary Key=”

** See preferred solution in 20.07.23 10:30CET update below**

20.07.23 After Microsoft updated Business Central to version 22.3 last night, our customers got this error when opening any purchase document like Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice, Posted Purchase Invoice etc.. After debugging I found a workaround to uninstall the extension “EU 3-Party Trade Purchase” that Microsoft introduced in this latest release. Hope this can help others experiencing the same. ** See preferred solution in update below**

Luckily our Business Central customers were up and running after 45 minutes of troubleshooting.

Update 20.07.23 10:30CET The error seems to be caused by table 189 VAT Setup being empty. An easy way to fill this table with an empty row, and thereby fix the problem, is to simply open the VAT Setup page and then close it without doing anything. This should create the missing row and remediate the error. This is the preferred solution.

Norwegian error message: Mva-oppsett finnes ikke. ID-felt og -verdier: Primærnøkkel=”

Disclaimer: Use information at your own risk. This is preliminary information that has not been thoroughly tested. It is expected that Microsoft will come with official fix soon